was started originally as
Installing clamav
# cd /usr/ports/security/clamav
# make install clean
Make sure the following are checked:
IPV6 (Optional)
Now we want to create the clamav and freshclam service scripts:
# mkdir -m 1755 /var/qmail/supervise/clamav
# mkdir -m 1755 /var/qmail/supervise/freshclam
# mkdir -m 755 /var/qmail/supervise/clamav/log
# mkdir -m 755 /var/qmail/supervise/freshclam/log
# mkdir -m 1755 /var/log/qmail/clamav
# mkdir -m 1755 /var/log/qmail/freshclam
# cd /var/qmail/supervise/clamav
# cp ~root/qmail/clamav-run .
# mv clamav-run run
# chmod 755 run
# cd log
# cp ~root/qmail/service-any-log-run run
# chmod 755 run
# vi run
Change the last line to read /var/log/qmail/clamav like so
exec /usr/local/bin/multilog t n20 s1048576 /var/log/qmail/clamav
# cd /var/qmail/supervise/freshclam
# cp ~root/qmail/freshclam-run .
# mv freshclam-run run
# chmod 755 run
# cd log
# cp ~root/qmail/service-any-log-run run
# chmod 755 run
# vi run
Change the last line to read /var/log/qmail/clamav like so
exec /usr/local/bin/multilog t n20 s1048576 /var/log/qmail/freshclam
Now we need to edit the clamd.conf file so it will run correctly via daemontools:
# vi /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf
#Example - must be commented out or removed
#LogFile - multilog will handle logging
#LogSysLog no - see LogFile
PidFile /var/run/clamav/
DatabaseDirectory /var/db/clamav
FixStaleSocket yes - optional
User - should be uncommented and set to qscand
Foreground yes - required to run clamav via daemontools
Now we need to edit the freshclam.conf file so it will run correctly via daemontools:
# vi /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf
# Example
DatabaseDirectory /var/db/clamav
# UpdateLogFile - multilog will handle logging
# LogSyslog no - see UpdateLogFile
PidFile /var/run/clamav/
DatabaseOwner - change from clamav to qscand
Foreground yes - required to run freshclam via daemontools
For your information when this is setup, freshclam is going to run every 2 hours by default. If you want to change it so it more or less frequent, just change this section in freshclam.conf
# Number of database checks per day.
# Default: 12 (every two hours)
# Checks 24
Now to set some file permissions before we start clamav:
# chown -R qscand:qscand /var/log/clamav
# chown -R qscand:qscand /var/run/clamav/
# chown qscand:qscand /var/db/clamav/
Now to create the symlinks to the service:
# ln -s /var/qmail/supervise/clamav /service/
# ln -s /var/qmail/supervise/freshclam /service/
Note: I want to point out before you run the next command that it could take some time for the clamav service to come up due to the updates for freshclam being downloaded. This is normal and it could take several seconds or several minutes for freshclam to update clamav. Don't panic if clamav is stuck at 0 or 1. Just check the freshclam logs to find out when the download is complete and it says it has notified clamav of the database update.
We need to check freshclam first. This service will eventually come up once the database has been updated
# svstat /service/freshclam/ /service/freshclam/log
/service/freshclam/: up (pid 82409) 69 seconds
/service/freshclam/log: up (pid 82410) 69 seconds
Now we can check to see if clamav is running:
# svstat /service/clamav/ /service/clamav/log
/service/clamav: up (pid 82396) 63 seconds
/service/clamav/log: up (pid 82446) 25 seconds
Now to remove the startup scripts:
# rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-clamd
# rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-freshclam