First lets download the plugin and install it.

# cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins
# fetch
# unzip
# mv Roundcube-Plugin-Mark-as-Junk-2-master markasjunk2
# cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/config
# vi

look for plugins array:

$config['plugins'] = array(

add 'markasjunk2' as follows

$config['plugins'] = array(

Save and Exit. Now copy the default so this will work properly.

# cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/markasjunk2
# cp

The defaults are fine. No changes are needed. When you mark an email as Spam it will try to move it to a Junk folder which will not exist. To make this seamless for your users we will need to create a symbolic link for .Junk to point to spam. We can do this in the ~vpopmail/skel folder as follows:

# cd ~vpopmail/skel/Maildir
# ln -s .Spam/ .Junk

The following section is optional. If you would like to see users' read Spam messages you can direct the read messages to a master spambox or just put this in a postmaster mailbox. It's entirely up to you.

Lets add first

# ~vpopmail/bin/vadduser

Now lets create a symbolic link to the spambox Junk folder.

# cd ~vpopmail/skel/Maildir/.Junk
# rm -R cur

change spambox to the sa-learn catchall user for all domains

# ln -s /usr/home/vpopmail/domains/ cur

Special thanks to Steve Donohue