Without Set-UID enabled in Perl (All distos) and the libwww-perl module (For RedHat or Fedora Users) installed, SpamAssassin and Qmail-Scanner inevitably don't work properly. Usually this is indicated by qq temporary problem 4.3.0 or simply by spam subjects not getting tagged.

The solution proven to work on FreeBSD, RedHat and Fedora 2 is to make sure that these modules are installed and then reinstalling ClamAV, SpamAssassin and Qmail-Scanner.


# chmod 4511 /usr/bin/suidperl

The above command enables setuid which is disabled by default,or

Enter the line "ENABLE_SUIDPERL=true" in /etc/make.conf. If that file does not exist, create it. After doing a cvsup on ports which is explained here, go to /usr/ports/lang/perl5.8 and run make deinstall && make reinstall.

For RedHat or Fedora Users

rpm --Uvh /downloads/qmailrocks/patches/rpms/perl-suidperl-x.x.x-xx.x.i386.rpm
to install the setuid module for perl
search rpmfind.net or your favorite rpm repository for perl-libwww-perl

Install the RPM and afterward run updatedb to be sure your rpm database is consistent.

For Debian Users

Run apt-get install perl-suid

Once you have both modules installed and enabled continue with or reinstall my qmail guide at the Clamav, Spamassassin and qmail-scanner with setuid enabled.