was started originally as
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/mrtg
# make install clean
# cd /usr/ports/mail/qmailmrtg7
# make install clean
# mkdir /usr/local/www/apache24/data/mrtg
# cd /usr/local/www/apache24/data/mrtg
# fetch
# tar zxvf qmailmrtg3.tgz
# rm qmailmrtg3.tgz
Run the following commands to start the graphs at 0
# echo " 0" > /tmp/jgrey-found
# echo " 0" > /tmp/pop-found
# echo " 0" > /tmp/rbl-found
# echo " 0" > /tmp/spamd-found
# echo " 0" > /tmp/valid-found
Edit the following files and change the "hostname" to your hostname in each file at the bottom.
# vi mrtg-jgrey
# vi mrtg-pop3
# vi mrtg-rbl
# vi mrtg-spamd
# vi mrtg-valid
Now to set the correct file permissions:
# chmod 755 mrtg-jgrey
# chmod 755 mrtg-pop3
# chmod 755 mrtg-rbl
# chmod 755 mrtg-spamd
# chmod 755 mrtg-valid
Now open up qmailmrtg.cfg and change the WorkDir at the top to the folder where the qmailmrtg will be saved
Change each instance of myhostname to your mailserver name or ip or whatever. Easiest way is to do it like so:
This is just a find and replace script. What this does is it replaces all instances of myhostname with newhostname
run the following and just make sure you don't have any errors.
# /usr/local/bin/mrtg qmailmrtg.cfg
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mrtg /usr/local/www/apache24/data/mrtg/qmailmrtg.cfg > /dev/null 2>&1